So, about a year and a half has passed since my conversion, and I'd like to offer a couple of notes to all you who are seeking to find or have already found Christ in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, but you are still in doubt.
As you can see from my conversion story, it took a lot of courage to take the plunge, but I can assure you all, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that the path that I chosen was and still is NOT an easy one.
I guess that the first big problem I had to face was the whole "changing" and "conversion" in the habitual sense. So, it's not only that you've become Catholic and that's that - it's what you plan to do with that fact. In other words, I had to adjust myself to being or to having become Catholic.
There were three blessings in this respect: First, God taught me to schedule everything around Sunday, so I made regular Mass going a must in my life. Another thing was going to frequent confession, according to the late (and God willing, soon to be blessed) Pope John Paul II. And the third was the great support I got from my friends, near and far. If it weren't for my personal upgrading, I would never have reached the point I wanted to reach.
So, even though the road on the way to happiness is tough - I have never had any doubts that it is worth it!
Therefore, I'll leave this come-back post with this picture, hope you're enjoying your way!