Saturday, March 7, 2009

Praying the Rosary on the way to school

One of my favourite pass-times since I've converted was praying the rosary. It was a bit difficult to learn at first but I got the hang of it after a month of constantly and daily praying it with the help of a CD by the Mary Foundation and a book from my parish priest.

What's in a Rosary??
Well PRETTY MUCH! First and foremost you get to pray the most beautiful prayer that the very Jesus Christ, Our Lord gave to us 5 +1 times. Then you get to pray one of my favourite prayers to Our Lady. And finally you get to experience the life of Jesus just as it happened from his conception to his ressurection! But not only experience it but also pray it and at best think about it. Because as you go from one decade into another the best thing to do is to think about what you are praying.

The biggest problem for me was finding suitable time to pray the rosary just after I learnt it and started praying it regularly. There is a very nice practise in my church in which you get to pray the rosary as a community before every Mass. But if I wasn't going to Mass then it did present a problem for me to get the right time and pray the rosary as I wanted to. And then I figuired it out! EUREKA!! :)
I started using the time I used to spend without doing anything. I considered that the rosary wasn't something that you say - but that you experience and I usually experience things with either my eyes or my mind. I do love looking at the rosary while I'm praying it so I combined the two and experienced the Rosary one beautiful afternoon while walking to school. It was impossible at that time - me praying and walking?
There were people around who did absolutely nothing - they either had a blank stare while they were walking or running, others were listening to the radio or to their mp3s and I was actually doing something more with my time I wasted in vain. I then spread out my practice to praying the rosary while on the bus, especially for the longer rides I have to take. Because I spend a lot of time with my rosary on those occasions.

This is an experience I've been practising ever since - I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT!
It doesn't take up your time - quite the contrary it gives meaning to it!